A study in sustainable styling
‘Fail-safes’, straight from my wardrobe…
I have been interested for quite sometime in exploring how I would style the essential pieces in my wardrobe, that no matter how many times I have a wardrobe clear out never see that black bin bag! They are my go-to pieces when all else fails. You could call it a lesson in how to buy less and choose well and a more considered way of treating your wardrobe, I like to think that sustainability in fashion isn’t just for hippies, I feel that its only just getting started and hope it will become instinctive in the way we all consume fashion, at the end of the day it comes down to us and the decisions we make has consumers, if we all shop a little more consciously it will push retailers to provide us with more sustainable choices. I also feel influencers can start to play a major role in this, by showing us all not only how to wear the latest things out there, but how these also work back with pre-owned or items that are few seasons old, it sends a much more positive message about how to shop sustainably without being seen as out of touch or not relevant. Often you scroll down your feed and feel overwhelmed with shopping fomo – ‘oooh I really must own this if she has it’ this really isn’t helping in the quest to ‘buy less choose well’ and its time we try to all acknowledge this…
So here is the story, shot by Thuy Pham and styled by me with model Marta Woertman from The Hive. I hope it stirs some thoughts about how you view your existing wardrobe, gets you experimenting a little more with things you thought were fit for the charity shop and possibly halts that next unnecessary online splurge!
Happy style absorbing! x